Call for experts to join regional Data Access Committee

We are working to improve health and care through strong research evidence. 

The North East and North Cumbria Secure Data Environment (NENC SDE) is part of a NHS England programme. It aims to give approved researchers more secure access to health and care data, so they can work more effectively to provide health developments, such as new treatments, medical devices and better services.

We are recruiting a panel of experts, who with members of the public, will review and make recommendations for projects to access this data.

This programme aims to create better and faster health solutions, leading to improved outcomes for everyone.

About the Data Access Committee (DAC)

The NHS Integrated Care Board (ICB) for the North East and North Cumbria is setting up a Data Access Committee (DAC). The DAC will play a key role in deciding how data in the SDE can be accessed.

It will work closely with the Public Evaluation Group (PEG) as part of a single process for reviewing applications from NHS, academia or industry partners who want to access anonymised health and care data.

The DAC will:

  • Develop and update the criteria for reviewing data access requests.

DAC members must always act in the best interests of patients and the public, while respecting confidentiality.

This work is part of a broader government strategy to use data for better healthcare, supported by the Data Saves Lives policy (June 2022) and the Sudlow Review (November 2024).

Join the DAC

We are looking for new members to join our DAC. This is a great chance to help shape the future of health and care research in the North East and North Cumbria.

Who should apply?

We’re looking for people with experience in:

  • Research ethics
  • Information governance
  • Data security
  • Using data for health and care research
  • Using data in health and care

You may have held roles such as:

  • Research governance professional
  • Senior Information Risk Officer
  • Caldicott Guardian
  • Data Protection Officer
  • Chief Clinical Information Officer
  • Research and Development Director/Manager

We welcome applicants from healthcare and academia, including clinicians in primary or secondary care, and also applicants from other sectors with relevant knowledge.

We also need experienced candidates for the roles of Chair and Vice-Chair.

Time commitment

  • Meetings: One two-hour meeting per month, scheduled a year in advance.
  • Preparation: Three hours of reading and preparation per meeting.
  • Format: In-person meetings where possible.

We ask for a one-year commitment initially, though the DAC will continue long-term.


Payment will be considered on request, in line with standard rates for the sector.

Closing date

Closing date for applications is noon on Friday 31 January 2025.

How to apply

If you’re interested, please send an email to [email protected] with:

  • Your CV
  • A covering letter explaining why you’re suitable
  • Whether you’re interested in the Chair or Vice-Chair roles

For an informal chat about the roles, contact Dr Alan Bagnall or Mark Walsh. Further information about the SDE is available on the ICB website.

This is an exciting opportunity to make a real difference to healthcare in our region—join us today!