Enhancing Care for Older People Webinar Series

21/08/2024 1:30 pm to 21/08/2024 3:00 pm

Event Details

** This event has now passed **

We are excited to announce our 29th EnCOP education webinar in our series linked to the Enhanced Care for Older People Competency Framework (EnCOP). The event will focus on Menopause and Ageing Well

Date: Wednesday 21st August 2024, 1.30pm-3.00pm

We are delighted to be joined ny Jacqui McBurnie, NENC ICS System Menopause Lead, North East North Cumbria Integrated Care Board (NENC ICB).


Jacqui has worked nationally and regionally within NHS England as a Senior Programme Manager. Alongside this role Jacqui established (and Chaired) the NHSE Menopause Network to champion menopause awareness and support in the workplace. Jacqui has produced the first NHSE Menopause Policy, access by self-referral to Peppy Health Nurse Specialists and reporting of ‘menopause related sickness’ in ESR. Jacqui has made contributions at a strategic level regarding menopause, including the Health and Social Care Select Committee and the Royal College of Nursing. Jacqui continues to press for change in both culture and recognition of the impact of menopause and as an Exec Committee member of the Cross Government Menopause Network Jacqui links with Civil Servants to ensure there is shared learning on this agenda.

Jacqui has recently commenced a new position across the North East North Cumbria (ICB) as the Menopause Lead. The aims of this role are to make an impact on wellbeing, retention and education. Jacqui is keen to engage across the system to ensure that the voices of our population and our staff are embedded into the Women’s Health Strategy and that learning is a feature of our approach.

This session is FREE and open to all! 

Spaces can be booked by contacting [email protected]