Women’s Health

The UK’s health and care system is meant to serve everyone, but women, who make up 51% of the population, face challenges accessing health and social care. Although women generally live longer than men, they spend more of their lives in poor health or with disabilities.

The government published its first ten year Women’s Health Strategy for England in August 2022 outlining the key issues across women’s health and the action plan being implemented to tackle these problems.  The key priority areas for improvement will focus on:

  1. Menstrual health and gynaecological conditions
  2. Fertility, pregnancy, pregnancy loss and post-natal support
  3. Menopause
  4. Mental health and wellbeing
  5. Cancers
  6. The health impacts of violence against women and girls
  7. Healthy ageing and long-term conditions

In alignment with the strategy, HI NENC has launched a newly established ‘Women’s Health’ programme which includes a range of projects to improve the health and social care outcomes for women and girls, whilst also supporting the reduction of inequalities and generating economic growth. The programme is aligned to the priority areas identified in the both national and regional NENC ICB women’s health strategies.

Current Women’s Health Projects

As the innovation partner of the regional Integrated Care Board (ICB), HI NENC is delivering a range of projects including:

Future Projects

  • Innovation Design Service Sprints on Menopause and Health Impact to Women of Violence and Abuse – Innovation Design Service – Health Innovation NENC
  • Support the delivery of NENC ICB Women’s Health Conference
  • Position Women’s Health programmes at conferences including Heart UK ‘Tackling Cholesterol’
  • Menopause Clinic development for NHS

For further information on our Women’s Health Programme please contact [email protected]