Q Initiative
*This page is no longer updated, the data is outdated*
Quality in the North East and North Cumbria
The AHSN NENC has engaged and supported the Q initiative since its inception in 2015. Since the early days we have grown our membership to 291 and steadily rising. By increasing our Q community this in turn increases the QI capability of the region which enables members and partners to freely share, spread and adapt success and learning to meet local need using the combined Q and AHSN NENC communication vehicles.
By supporting and proactively growing our Q community the region benefits from growing and sharing resource, build strategic alliances, facilitate learning and development and help the Q community to grow in size and influence both regionally and Nationally.
Working alongside and in conjunction with the Health Foundation, we are encouraging our members to visit https://q.health.org.uk/ to see for themselves the sharing and promotion of opportunities and apply for any funding opportunities that often become available using the AIMS portal turning ideas into reality for the Health & Social care population we serve across the region achieving the goals and values of Q.
The Q community goes from strength to strength, encouraging networking, the sharing of success and learning regionally but also has the added ability to feed into and receive from the combined National Q and AHSN footprints.
Recruitment to the Q community can be achieved by entering the Q Website or contacting the AHSN NENC directly for assistance and support throughout the process. Applications from all disciplines and a variety of roles are encouraged and welcomed. With knowledge and experience, developing and sharing different approaches and methodologies to improve the quality of health and care you will contribute to as well as benefit from a community that truly does make a difference.
You will join a diverse community of people committed to and passionate about improvement. Q provides ways and methods for the community to share and support each other by increasing your network contributing to improvement across a health care system that constantly faces major challenges and financial pressures.
A slide deck and presentation pack has been developed which demonstrates the current number of Q members; membership spread across the AHSN NENC areas and regions, and details regarding Q members professional backgrounds.
This was last updated in March 2021 and can be accessed below and will be again periodically as membership changes. Please feel free to use these resources to meet your own local need.
Q Presentation Pack
Further information
Contact: Phil Kyle, your HI NENC Q Community Support.