CVD Lunch and Learn: The importance and understanding of Familial Hypercholesterolaemia (FH)

21/05/2024 12:15 pm to 21/05/2024 1:00 pm

Event Details

** This event has now passed **


The presentation from the webinar can be downloaded here

View the recording


Health Innovation NENC are delighted to facilitate a lunch and learn session focusing on the importance and understanding of Familial Hypercholesterolaemia (FH).

This session will focus on:

  • What is FH.
  • Why it is important to identify and treat patients.
  • The importance of genetic testing.
  • How care can be optimised to help patients to manage their condition and live a healthy life

We are delighted to be joined by:

  • Dr Stewart Pattman , Lipid Clinic Clinical Lead for Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
  • Catherine Tucker, Senior Clinical Pharmacist in the integrated care team at Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

The session will be chaired by Dr Jane Skinner, Strategic Advisor for CVD, Health Innovation North East North Cumbria


This informal Lunch & Learn session would be suitable for all primary and secondary care clinicians.

Please bring your lunch, sit back, catch your breath and cameras can remain off.

The sessions will be held on MSTeams and joining information will be sent in advance.

What is FH

FH is a common genetic condition, affecting as many as one in 250 people, and if a parent has FH, there is a 1 in 2 chance that each of their children will have FH too. The condition causes high levels of cholesterol, increasing a person’s risk of developing cardiovascular disease or having a heart attack at a much younger age.

In the North East and North Cumbria, only 12% of cases of FH are known, meaning there are a lot of people with the condition who don’t know they have it. However if this risk is known about, a person’s risk can be reduced with appropriate lifestyle modification and the availability of new treatments.

Patients with a high likelihood of FH can be identified through cholesterol testing and reviewing family history of cardiovascular disease. Finding people with FH before they present with a heart attack or stroke can save lives and improve quality of life.