What We Do
The work of HI NENC focuses on the following areas:
- Improving Population Health
- Transforming Patient Safety
- Developing NHS Innovation
- Supporting Economic Growth
- Driving Digital Transformation
- Delivering the Innovation Pathway
Across all of these activities, we act as the trusted broker of cross-organisational activity, bringing together partners to work collaboratively with the aim of improving people’s health and supporting the economy.
Our work focuses on six main areas
Transforming Patient Safety

The National Patient Safety Improvement Programmes (SIPs) collectively form the largest safety initiative in the history of the NHS. The SIPs, designed to support a culture of safety, continuous learning, sustainable improvement and collaboration across the healthcare system, are delivered…
Improving Population Health

HI NENC works with our ICB bringing together expert practitioners to ensure that we effectively implement and evaluate innovative clinical pathways across our health and social care infrastructure. We work hard to ensure that we work in areas that are…
Developing NHS Innovation

The Health Innovation Network is mandated by NHS England, NHS Improvement and the Office for Life Sciences to support the development, evaluation, adoption and diffusion of innovations across the NHS to improve health outcomes and support the economy. Working collaboratively…
Supporting Economic Growth

HI NENC has, since its inception, focused on economic growth by mobilising the assets within the regions Trusts, industry and Universities to attract and grow business. Economic growth can be driven by ideas and products that arise from within the…
Driving Digital Transformation

HI NENC drives inclusive digital transformation across the North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care System (ICS), with the goal of improving outcomes for patients. Working with a network of professionals who lead the digital transformation of the health and…
Innovation Pathway

HI NENC has developed The Innovation Pathway, which is our vehicle for articulating the bespoke services that can be provided to NHS organisations and industry. Visit the Innovation Pathway The Innovation Pathway is central to HI NENC providing a robust…
Bright Ideas in Health Awards

Health Innovation NENC is proud to host the Bright Ideas in Health Awards, an annual awards ceremony to celebrate innovation in healthcare across the North East and North Cumbria. The Bright Ideas in Health Awards, organised by Health Innovation North…
Delivering Systemwide Value

Health Innovation North East and North Cumbria enables its members and regional stakeholders to achieve ambitious programmes through the provision of support services across a range of specialties – from marketing and communications to rapid discovery design sprints. We play…