Welcoming Dr Sean Gill to the team
14th January 2021
The start of 2021 sees us welcome a new AHSN NENC team member as Dr Sean Gill joins the Economic Growth team as a Programme Manager. We asked Sean a few questions to find out more about him.
Hi Sean, and welcome to the AHSN NENC! It’s great to have you as part of the team, can you tell us about your background?
I join the AHSN NENC from Newcastle University where I have worked for the last seven years. In my most recent role, I was part of the Clinical Trials Unit where I project managed the data for four clinical trials. This included Phase III and IV pharmaceutical trials, device trials and surgical trials, as well as those of service organisation and delivery, and of complex interventions aimed at behaviour change amongst professionals, patients, and members of the public.
Day to day I managed patient information, attended monthly Trial Management Group meetings producing and presenting Data Quality and Progress reports, reporting on trial progress and issues, and internally met with each trial team weekly to discuss milestones. I am used to working with clinicians and understanding their research, site research teams locally and nationally, and industry partners across a diverse portfolio.
What would you say you are most looking forward to as you settle into your new role at the AHSN NENC?
I am most looking forward to making a difference. The AHSN NENC is an important organisation working to reduce health inequalities and support the economic growth of the region. Now more than ever, is it important for economic and health policy to come together, to take advantage of the opportunities that lie ahead. As a ‘trusted broker’, the AHSN NENC has a unique and significant role to play in helping to make this happen.
We work hard to support the development of innovations as well as support the promotion of a culture of innovation – what does innovation mean to you?
For me innovation is all about new, improved and more effective ways of solving problems. It’s all of the policies, systems, technologies, ideas, services and products that provide solutions to existing healthcare problems. It encourages new approaches to tackle issues of poverty, education, health, and other problems by making system-level changes.
In healthcare, innovations can provide solutions and improvements to improve treatment, diagnosis, education, outreach, prevention, research quality and delivery, and access to healthcare.
You’ve joined the team at the beginning of another lockdown – how have you found starting a new role, and do you have any tips for those in similar situations?
The Economic Growth team have all been very friendly and approachable. The team huddles on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning have really helped. I can’t wait to get into the office to meet everyone in person.
My advice for any others starting a new role during lockdown would be…don’t be afraid to ask any questions or for help. There’s no such thing as a silly question.
Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Sean, and it’s great to have you on the team. Final question – what’s your favourite Quality Street chocolate…
Tough question! I’m more of a Celebration man myself. But can I have two? Milk chocolate blocks and strawberry dreams.