Delivering a Net Zero NHS – Reducing the carbon impact of anaesthetic gases

28/09/2021 10:30 am to 28/09/2021 12:00 pm

Event Details

The AHSN Network Environmental Sustainability Community of Interest are hosting a series of sharing and learning events that aim to share best practice innovations and initiatives to support delivery of a Net Zero NHS.

The second event in this series will take place online on Tuesday 28 September 10:30am to 12pm and will focus on the carbon impact of anaesthetic gases.

Anaesthetic gases make up 2% of the total carbon impact caused by the NHS in England. They have a high greenhouse gas potential and not all hospitals are equipped to capture or reduce the gas being released into the atmosphere.

Where clinically appropriate, optimising the use of anaesthetic gases and reducing the volume of gases released into the atmosphere can save hospitals money and reduce environmental impact.

Ambitious targets were set by NHS England and NHS Improvement and a significant amount of work has already been undertaken by trusts to reduce medicines-related emissions.

At this event you will hear from NHS organisations and industry partners who will share their experiences and innovative practices in reducing, capturing, and reusing anaesthetic gases.

The event is open to anyone working in the NHS with an interest in environmental sustainability but will be of particular interest to sustainability leads, anaesthetists and those working in operating theatres and maternity wards.

Register to attend