DTAC – Navigating the changing regulatory landscape
02/10/2023 2:00 pm to 02/10/2023 3:00 pm
Event Details
** This event has now passed **
Presentations can be viewed here:
Watch the recording here
The Digital Technology Assessment Criteria for health and social care (DTAC) gives staff, patients and citizens confidence that the digital health tools they use meet our clinical safety, data protection, technical security, interoperability and usability and accessibility standards.
The DTAC brings together legislation and good practice in these areas. It is the national baseline criteria for digital health technologies entering and already used in the NHS and social care.
The DTAC is designed to be used by healthcare organisations to assess suppliers at the point of procurement or as part of a due diligence process, to make sure digital technologies meet our minimum baseline standards. For developers, it sets out what is expected for entry into the NHS and social care.
The aim of the event is designed to provide Innovators and health and social care Innovation leads with an understanding of digital health technology regulation for manufacture and commercialisation.
This briefing will give an update on the major topics you need to consider, the key actions that you need to take to meet the challenges ahead, and an awareness of areas that you need to explore further.
We will be joined by the Digital Transformation Team from NHS England.
The session will cover:
• How DTAC, NHSX and the AHSN Network can work together.
• How we can help innovators become DTAC ready.
• How DTAC will guide local and national NHS organisations and social care teams in deciding which health technologies they should be buying or recommending to patients.
• Explain how DTAC will work with digital health evaluation and distribution organisations, eg. ORCHA.
This meeting is an opportunity for NHSX to present the DTAC in more detail and for there to be discussion on how the AHSN Network can support innovators wanting to develop their products to meet these new standards.