Funding and Support Opportunities for Healthcare Led Innovation Projects

03/11/2022 12:00 pm to 03/11/2022 1:30 pm

Event Details

The aim of this Showcase event is to Up skill members of the Innovation Community around what possible funding there is around the region and how to access this, featuring Speakers from business academia and charity.




12:00-Introductions to the event (Mark Taylor- South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust)

12:00-12:15- How the Academic Health Science Network NENC can assist with Innovation in Healthcare in the region- potential funding/support (Russell Watkins – Academic Health Science Network NENC)

12-15-12:30- What support the University of Sunderland can offer NHS/Healthcare Innovators? (Tim Pain – University of Sunderland)

12:30-12:45- ‘How Sunderland City Council’s Business Investment Team can assist businesses and innovation projects located in Sunderland’ (Jodie Gillespie – Sunderland City Council)

12:45-13:00- Kidney Research UK- Where do healthcare charities would fit into the innovation pathway and what funding/support they Kidney Research UK provide? (James Culy- Kidney Research UK)

13:00- Closing statement (Mark Taylor- South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust)