Getting started with Environmental Sustainability; Learning from the Journey in Newcastle
23/06/2021 10:30 am to 23/06/2021 12:00 pm
Event Details
Our AHSN Network Environmental Sustainability Community of Interest is hosting a series of sharing and learning events aimed at supporting organisations with innovations and initiatives to support delivery of a Net Zero NHS.
The first of these events is taking place online on Wednesday 23 June from 10:30-12pm and will provide an overview of national ambitions and strategies, and learnings from Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospital which has an established environmental sustainability strategy and culture.
The event is open to anyone working in the NHS with an interest in environmental sustainability, but it will be of particular interest to those working in trusts and ICSs that will be developing their environmental sustainability strategies.
Join us for this first event to learn about the sustainability journey taken at Newcastle Hospitals and how the AHSN Network and the Greener NHS Team can support NHS organisations to deliver a Net Zero NHS.
• Paul Durrands, Chief Operating Officer at Oxford AHSN will provide an overview of the AHSN Network environmental sustainability ambitions and strategy.
• Greener NHS Team at NHS England will focus on the work they are undertaking to support systems and regions with the Net Zero ambitions.
• James Dixon, Head of Sustainability at Newcastle Upon Tyne Hosptials NHS Foundation Trust will describe his journey in environmental sustainability within the Trust, including establishing projects and governance, establishing an identity, securing top-level commitment for action, articulating their vision, goals and action plan, and achievements.
• Q&A sessions.