Digital Dietetic Network 2019 – Health Call Innovation Workshop
17/09/2019 12:00 pm
Event Details
**This event has now passed**
Presentations from the event:
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Have you an interest in Nutrition and Dietetics? Do you work in Health and Social Care in the North East and North Cumbria? Are you interested in joining a network that can help support the delivery of care and improve outcomes of local people through the use of simple digital tools?
We are looking for Dietitians, Carers, Care homes, Nurses, Doctors and Third Sector Organisations to join our first Network event on the 17th of September at the Centre for Life, Newcastle upon Tyne. Delegates are invited to a networking lunch to kick off the day from 12 noon which will be followed by presentations from industry experts.
The event will be a great chance to understand more about Health Call, hear about developments across the country as well as solutions that have already been implemented to tackle undernutrition. The event will also offer delegates to identify and explore how technology can support your day to day work.
Malnutrition is a major issue in the U.K., but recent developments offer a whole range of new solutions that can deliver improved outcomes whilst creating high-quality, sustainable services. This event, the first one of its kind hosted by Health Call, will update delegates on what is already happening, what is being developed and what more is possible, for example, weight management, paediatrics and home enteral feeding.
For example, in Northern Ireland, a digital undernutrition service for care homes has improved the quality of care for residents through increased monitoring, resulting in more proactive treatment due to regular telephone reviews and the timely response of dietitians. This case study, as well as others, will be explored and breakout sessions will develop ideas on where else this technology can be used to support patients with nutritional needs.
With thank to our sponsor Abbott
Graham King
Chief Information Officer
The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Graham is the Chief Information Officer for The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals Foundation Trust where he secured NHS Global Digital Exemplar status. Prior to joining the NHS he led the Global Development and Delivery arm of BT Global Health, delivering application and infrastructure services including data centre migration, broadband network services, bespoke software build, system integration and client site transition and transformation services. Graham has over 20 years’ experience leading high profile transformations in Blue Chip organisations as well as the Department of Health and the NHS.
Lesley Bainbridge
Clinical Lead
NHS Newcastle Gateshead CCG and Care Closer to Home Network
Lesley trained as a nurse and midwife in Gateshead in an apprentice style training that she loved. She says she laughed through all the student years while making lifelong friends and importantly being privileged to work alongside, and learn from, nurses and midwives she still regards to be among the best in the business. Since then she has complemented her training with graduations from Northumbria University. Professionally there are two things that get Lesley out of bed every morning and they are nursing in its fullest sense and the care of older people. Having built her career across a range of settings and services she has developed a local, regional and national profile and currently she is the Clinical Lead in the North East and North Cumbria’s Frailty Network.
Irene Thompson
Team Lead Dietitian
Southern Health and Social Care Trust, Northern Ireland
Irene has 20 years of experience working in a variety of clinical settings. She has been working in her current post for the last 6 years. Irene believes that in the changing environment of dietetics with greater numbers of referrals and increases in complex cases it is essential to develop and support her staff to continue to provide a safe, efficient and effective service to their clients. One of the ways she does this is through investigating and testing new ways of working, including the use of new technologies.
Fiona Hegarty
Prescribing Support Dietitian
Northern Health and Social Care Trust, Northern Ireland
Fiona qualified with BSC Hons in Human Nutrition and Dietetics from the University of Ulster in 2002. She started her career in Blackburn, Lancashire before moving in 2004 to take up a post in the Mater Hospital, Belfast. In 2006 she moved to Donegal working as a Diabetes Specialist Dietitian, specialising in Type one diabetes in both adults and paediatrics. In October 2018 Fiona decided to move form secondary to primary care taking up the position of Prescribing Support Dietitian covering the South Eastern trust, NI. She is thoroughly enjoying the challenges of working in primary care in the management of malnutrition in the community and is passionate about promoting the great work of dietetics and recently took over as Chair of the BDA NI branch.
Jacqueline Walker
Tayside Nutrition Managed Clinical Network Programme Manager and Professional Dietetic Advisor to the Scottish Government Modern Outpatient Programme
Jacqueline Walker MSc BSc SRD qualified as a dietitian at Robert Gordons in Aberdeen, she then gained an MSc by research at the University of Glasgow and has worked at transforming nutrition and nutritional care her whole career. Her main transformation areas include: food, fluid and nutritional care, GI conditions, the elderly, weight management and type 2 diabetes. Digital has played a major role in the patient pathways Jacqueline has led over the past 10 years. She works for NHS Tayside Health Board in Public Health as Programme Manager for the Tayside Nutrition MCN and also for the Scottish Government as the Dietetic Adviser for the GI Collaborative in the Modern Outpatient Programme. Jacqueline won Complete Nutrition’s Coeliac Disease Professional of the Year in 2014 and the BDA’s Dame Barbara Clatyon Award in 2012. She also runs the BDA CED Franchise for Scotland.
Catherine McShane
Specialist Dietician
County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust
Catherine is a specialist dietitian with a career spanning 20 years. Initially specialising in care of the elderly in both the acute and community setting, more recently Catherine has been involved in developing training, resources and guidelines for health and social care staff to identify, treat and monitor undernutrition in the community. As a result of frustrations of not being able to monitor patients as regularly as needed, she sought a solution to improve the dietetic care that could be provided to patients at risk of undernutrition. This has led to the creation of NHS Health Call Undernutrition. Catherine has been instrumental in clinically leading the development, implementation and evaluation of this and is now supporting the development of further digital solutions for health care related issues.
NIHR Clinical Research Network North East and North Cumbria
Great North Care Record
Health Call
Academic Health Science Network North East and North Cumbria