Lipid Optimisation in Peripheral Arterial Disease

13/07/2021 7:00 pm to 13/07/2021 8:00 pm

Event Details

The Lipid Optimisation Event Series programme of events is aimed at people wanting to increase their knowledge around lipid optimisation and underpinning evidence base.

Each session, which will be around one hour and will be delivered live via the Virtual Medical Educators Facebook page with no requirement to register. However, in advance of the session a Zoom link will also be provided via the Facebook page which enables a more interactive experience with the speakers if you choose.

Visit the Virtual Medical Educators Facebook page

Who should attend?

The events would be suitable for, but not limited to:

  • secondary care practitioners with an interest in lipids,
  • general practitioners,
  • nurse practitioners,
  • primary care network pharmacists
  • medicines optimisation pharmacists
  • community pharmacists.

Lipid Optimisation in Peripheral Arterial Disease

13th July 2021, 7pm
  • Overview of the session:
    • This session aims to understand what peripheral arterial disease (PAD)
    • To look at the different diagnostic tools for PAD
    • To look at cholesterol lowering therapies in the context of each type of PAD