Maternity and Neonatal Safety Improvement Network (MatNeoSIP) Event
14/06/2021 1:30 pm to 14/06/2021 4:30 pm
Event Details
This event has now passed
About this Event
This event focussed on the work happening in the North East and North Cumbria.
Demography, ethnicity, social deprivation and other safety issues in pregnancy and birth
The MatNeo events are of particular interest to:
- Maternity service providers of antenatal, intrapartum, and post-natal care
- Neonatal service providers
- Maternity Voice Partnerships
- Northern Neonatal Network
- Northern England Maternity Clinical Network
- Local Maternity Systems Northern England
- Women and families
- Safety champions
- Commissioners
- Voluntary, community and social enterprise sector
The Maternity and Neonatal Safety Improvement Programme (MatNeoSIP), was renamed following the launch of the NHS Patient Safety Strategy in July 2019. It was previously known as the Maternal and Neonatal Health Safety Collaborative.
MatNeoSIP is led by the National Patient Safety team and covers all maternity and neonatal services across England. It continues to be supported by 15 regionally-based Patient Safety Collaboratives.
The programme aims to:
- improve the safety and outcomes of maternal and neonatal care by reducing unwarranted variation and provide a high quality healthcare experience for all women, babies and families across maternity and neonatal care settings in England
- contribute to the national ambition, set out in Better Births of reducing the rates of maternal and neonatal deaths, stillbirths, and brain injuries that occur during or soon after birth by 50% by 2025.
For more information please visit: