NHIP: Our Journey So Far

20/06/2023 10:00 am to 20/06/2023 10:30 am

Event Details

Newcastle Health Innovation Partners (NHIP) is pleased to announce the return of its popular Lightning Talk series.

Lightning Talks are designed to stimulate debate, questions, and curiosity from NHIP stakeholders. They also aim to raise awareness of the incredible work taking place across NHIP organisations for the benefit of patients and the population.

Typically, the events are a 30-minute virtual session, comprising a 15-minute presentation, and 15 minutes allocated for rapid response to questions or observations.

Professor David Burn will reintroduce the series, where he will provide a recap on NHIP, its role as a prestigious Academic Health Science Centre (AHSC) and the benefits it brings both partners and the wider population. Professor Burn will also highlight the exciting changes that have happened over recent months at NHIP and what to expect from NHIP in the years and months ahead.

The virtual event will take place on Tuesday 20th June10am – 10:30am.


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