Helping those with Persistent Physical Symptoms (PPS)
Hartlepool and Stockton CCG and Darlington CCG worked with the Northern England Clinical Network for Mental Health and Dementia, and the Academic Health Science Network North East and North Cumbria to explore the feasibility of an intervention to improve the care and support GP practices provide for people with Persistent Physical Symptoms (PPS).
Following the training:
• All participants strongly agreed they had a better understanding of PPS
• 82% strongly agreed they had more clinical skills to support people with PPS
• 77% strongly agreed that the training was likely to change their clinical practice
“Our GP Practice was keen to participate in the project as we feel this was an unmet need on behalf of patients and doctors. Improving the quality of these at times challenging consultations was felt to be a priority. We invested time in attending the training sessions, practicing skills and putting our new knowledge into practice. Some of my partners were pleasantly surprised by the effectiveness of the explanations, the therapeutic effect of simply listening and sign posting to the excellent resources provided. It’s been really worthwhile. We have definitely improved our consultations and hopefully providing a better service for our patients.”
Dr Micaela Young, Denmark Street Surgery, Darlington.