Moustache Season – Movember 2022
This Movember, Mark Pattison, Senior Communications Officer at the AHSN NENC, is once again taking part in the moustache-growing men’s health campaign.
The charity raises funds for prostate cancer and testicular cancer research, as well as initiatives supporting men’s mental health and working to reduce male suicide rates.
Mark volunteers as one of Movember’s Community Ambassadors to raise awareness of testicular cancer, and this year is celebrating 15 years in remission from his own diagnosis. He also volunteers as a Guide for Movember’s Nuts & Bolts, providing one-to-one support for men newly diagnosed with testicular cancer.
While Mark’s focus continues to be men’s cancer, this year he is more significantly raising awareness of mental health issues after his friend and fellow Community Ambassador, Marc Rodwell, sadly took his own life a few weeks ago. Watch Marc Rodwell’s story here
Mark will be running/walking 60 #MilesForMarc in his memory, representing the 60 men who lose their lives to suicide worldwide every hour.
Movember continues to provide funding for the North East, having supported prostate cancer research through Newcastle University’s Centre for Cancer, as well as Newcastle’s Men’s Pie Club, a social enterprise that tackles social isolation and improves mental health.
If you would like to support Mark’s Movember fundraiser, please visit: