Emily Whales

National Programme Manager

Polypharmacy, Opioid Reduction and Medicines Safety

Emily is a Pharmacy Technician and has over 25 years’ work experience which spans both primary and secondary healthcare. She started her career in an Acute Hospital Trust before moving to work in primary care where she provided GP practice and community pharmacy support. Progressing her experience, Emily worked in a Community Health Services Trust where she provided medicines management support to community teams such as District Nurses, School Nursing Teams and Community Hospitals. In her most recent roles Emily worked as a Lead Medicines Safety Technician leading on areas such as medication incident investigation and associated learning outcomes and implementation of safe and secure handling of medicines standards within an Acute Hospital. Emily started at the HI NENC on secondment as Project Lead for Medicines Safety working on the Medicines Safety Improvement Programme and has now taken a permanent position as Programme Manager leading on polypharmacy and reduction of opioids for non-cancer pain programmes.

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