Julia Wood
Maternity and Neonatal Safety Improvement Programme Lead for North East and North Cumbria
Maternal and Neonatal Programme
Julia has worked for the NHS since 1987. For the past 17 years, she has focused on supporting health and social care organisations to improve their services by using quality improvement methodologies, tools and techniques, with the purpose of improving the services they provide to patients. Julia has had the opportunity to work with organisations at a national level (Department of Health and National Primary Care Development Team), regionally (AQuA [Advancing Quality Alliance]), and also within many other organisations spanning acute, community and primary care settings, as well as CCGs and social services. Since 2017 Julia has been in the role of Maternity and Neonatal Safety Improvement Programme Lead for the North East and North Cumbria. Throughout her career, Julia has continued to develop her skills and expertise, and is a Lean Practitioner, educated to MBA level, and most recently completed a Postgraduate Certificate in Innovation and Improvement Science.