Kate Mackay
CVD Programme Lead
CVD Prevention, Lipids and Familial Hypercholesterolaemia (FH), Blood Pressure and Atrial Fibrillation (AF)
Kate Mackay has extensive experience of service improvement within the public sector, particularly the NHS, working with both clinicians and managers, at national and local level. Her background prior to service improvement work is research and clinical audit, and her special interests are project management, stakeholder engagement, coaching, patient involvement, and statistical process control. She is a Visiting Honorary Senior Lecturer at Bradford University teaching Applied Methodologies at master’s level. She currently works with The Academic Health Science Network for the North East and North Cumbria as their CVD Programme Lead. By working collaboratively, the aims of the Programme are to reduce cardiovascular disease for patients, minimising inequalities within our population. Kate is also a certified professional and performance coach. She has written a book (Take It All On Board), and outside work, she cycles, snowboards and hikes.