
You can find details of all HI NENC events and partner events below.

Click on the event for more details and information on how to register.

Please email Sarah Black for further information.

We are committed to minimising the impact of our events on the environment. We work closely with our clients, venues, suppliers and delegates to reduce the impact of our activity wherever possible.


Head over to our YouTube channel and click the subscribe button and notification bell to keep up-to-date on further video content, webinars, workshops and live sessions.

Data Saves Lives Strategy

18/07/2022 12:00 pm to 18/07/2022 1:00 pm

One-hour webinar providing providing an overview of the newly published Data Saves Lives strategy.

Great North Pharmacy Research Collaborative Conference 2022

15/07/2022 9:00 am to 15/07/2022 5:00 pm

Great North Pharmacy Research Collaborative Conference 2021

The theme of the 2022 conference is Sustainability in Pharmacy: The health of patients and the planet. 

ePrescribing Masterclass

13/07/2022 1:00 pm to 13/07/2022 2:00 pm


The ePrescribing masterclass series consists of a monthly webinar where NHS organisations can share their learning and experiences on digital transformation.

The AHSN Polypharmacy Programme: Getting the balance right

12/07/2022 12:00 pm to 27/07/2022 1:30 pm

Learn how polypharmacy prescribing comparators help us understand variation in prescribing of multiple medication and identify more patients

NIHR Industry and SME Roadshow Event

07/07/2022 12:00 pm to 07/07/2022 4:00 pm

Are you a Medtech SME looking for support to get your innovative Medical Device, Diagnostic or Digital Health Technology to market?

Bottom Up Urbanism – Tackling wellbeing in the built environment through citizen participation and leadership

05/07/2022 11:00 am to 05/07/2022 12:30 pm

Tackling wellbeing in the built environment through citizen participation and leadership.

Meet the NHS Innovation Accelerator (NIA)

29/06/2022 10:30 am to 29/06/2022 12:00 pm

Join an informational session about the NHS Innovation Accelerator, how we support innovators and our upcoming recruitment call.

Innovation Collaborative National Event for Digital Health

29/06/2022 10:00 am to 29/06/2022 4:00 pm

People, technology, equality, experience: how technology-enabled remote monitoring is changing lives

Therapeutic Tolerance: The 5th International Workshop

28/06/2022 9:00 am to 01/07/2022 4:00 pm

A four-day event that brings together leaders in therapeutic tolerance from across the globe.

Enhancing Care for Older People Webinar Series: Older People: Prevention and Management of Undernutrition

23/06/2022 1:30 pm to 23/06/2022 3:00 pm

EnCOP Logo

8th webinar linked to the Enhanced Care for Older People Competency Framework (EnCOP)

Primary Care Network (PCN) Pharmacy CoP Webinar 3 – Addictive Medications

21/06/2022 12:30 pm to 21/06/2022 1:30 pm

Webinar 3 will focus on supporting the Implementation of SMRs for patients on potentially addictive medications.

Maternity and Neonatal Improvement Network Event

16/06/2022 9:30 am to 16/06/2022 11:30 am

Maternity and Neonatal Safety Improvement Network Event

We are delighted to announce that our seventh NENC event for Phase 2 of the MatNeoSIP will be held on 16 June 2022.

NHS ConfedExpo

15/06/2022 9:00 am to 16/06/2022 5:00 pm

NHS ConfedExpo will run for two days on 15 and 16 June 2022 at ACC Liverpool.

NHIP ‘In Conversation’

13/06/2022 11:00 am to 13/06/2022 12:15 pm

Join Newcastle Health Innovation Partners (NHIP) to celebrate two years of progress and our ambitions for 2025 at our annual event.

ABHI Roundtable Event

09/06/2022 10:30 am to 09/06/2022 12:45 pm

Healthtech SMEs – Challenges in a post-pandemic and Brexit world