NENC MatNeo Health Safety Collaborative Learning System
12/03/2019 9:30 am @ The Durham Centre
Event Details
- Sarah Black
- [email protected]
- The Durham Centre, Belmont Industrial Estate, Belmont, Durham, DH1 1TN
** This event has now passed**
Post event information
PReCePT Core-Training Presentation V7
Speaker presentations
AM Learning from the programme and SCORE – Julia Wood
AM Measurement for Improvement – Tony Roberts FINAL
AM Welcome and introductions – Julia Wood
Pre event information
We are delighted to invite you to the NENC MatNeo Health Safety Collaborative Learning System: a partnership between the Patient Safety Collaborative NENC, The Academic Health Science Network NENC, the Maternity Network at the Northern England Clinical Network, and the Northern Neonatal Network.
The event is being held on Tuesday 12th March, registration is from 9.30am and the event will start at 9.45am.
The Learning System event will finish at 12.15pm and you are welcome to join us for a networking lunch.
PReCePT Teams follow on with an event from 1pm – 3.30pm
By attending this event you will hear and share experiences about:
* the achievements of the Wave 1 & 2 Trusts* what a difference a good patient experience makes* measuring for improvement * the experiences of being involved in the Collaborative, particularly regarding the culture survey