Suicide Prevention by Design

11/01/2023 1:00 pm to 04/01/2023 3:00 pm

Event Details

** This event has now passed **


This webinar explored how we can prevent suicide by using design and the built environment. Taking an encompassing view on the different factors of the environment that can contribute to an individual completing suicide, and how we can pro-actively safeguard people using design.

We were joined by:

  • Mike Conefrey, Public Health Locality Manager – South Lakeland, Public Health and Chris Wood, Charity Manager and Suicide Safer Communities Lead, Every Life Matters
  • Toby Thorp, Environmental Health Officer, City of London and Claire Giraud, Senior Public Health Practitioner, Hackney
  • Charlotta Thodelius, Faculty of Police Work, University of Borås
  • Jane Sunter, Public Health Strategic Manager, Durham County Council
  • Neil Peters, Suicide Prevention Consultant, Nuthatch Consultants

Watch the recording here

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Resources can be viewed here

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This event is part of a series of webinars being delivered by the Healthy Happy Places programme.  The webinars will be exploring a range of topics which will showcase perspectives from mental health, architecture and urban planning to explore why the built and designed environment matters when thinking about mental health and wellbeing. The design of buildings and the shaping of public spaces in the places we live, work and play contribute to our lived experiences, how we feel, and have the power to promote or stifle wellbeing and recovery.

The Healthy Happy Places programme is funded by the Academic Health Science Network for the North East and North Cumbria (AHSN NENC) and the Integrated Care System for the North East and North Cumbria (ICS NENC) to develop a multi-sector approach for supporting and creating mental health and wellbeing through the built environment. Sign up to receive information about the programme.

Join the conversation: #HealthyHappyPlaces


The event will be held on MS Teams. Please check that you can access Teams prior to the event. Joining information will be circulated in the run up to the event.