Great North Pharmacy Research Collaborative Webinar 2020
09/07/2020 4:00 pm to 09/07/2020 6:00 pm
Event Details
- Sarah Black
- [email protected]
#GNPRC2020 @GtNorthPharmRes
Thank you for attending Great North Pharmacy Research Collaborative Regional Webinar on 9th July 2020
Congratulations to our 1st place and runner up Pre-registration Trainee Pharmacists
1st Place
Sophia Martins
Pre-registration Trainee
Gateshead Health NHS Foundation Trust
Runner up
Agne Kuraite
Pre-registration Trainee
The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Watch the webinar recording here:
Download Presentations
The COVID-19 Mental Health wave is yet to come
Tim Donaldson, Trust Chief Pharmacist
Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust
The COVID-19 Mental Health wave is yet to come
Chris Williams, Chief Pharmacist
Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust
HEE Update pharmacy workforce post-COVID-19
Dr Jane Brown, Pharmacy Dean (North)
School of Pharmacy and Medicines Optimisation, North
Health Education England
Setting up the North East Nightingale
Stephanie Klein, Nightingale Pharmacy Project Manager
The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Supporting pharmacy through a COVID-19 emergency
Robbie Turner, Director of Pharmacy & Member Experience
Royal Pharmaceutical Society
Setting up the RECOVERY TRIAL – lessons from an acute hospital
Alastair Green
Senior Clinical Pharmacist
Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
Visiting Clinical Fellow
Newcastle University
Practice research, clinical audit and quality improvement are fundamental to improving the quality and care for our patients. The Great North Pharmacy Research Collaborative aims to bring together pharmacy colleagues from across the profession in the North East and North Cumbria to share, spread and adopt best and evidence based practice. In line with the changes in the NHS outlined on the Long Term Plan, the theme for the 2020 annual conference is Working Together: uniting pharmacy across the system.
We will showcase pre-registration projects and work undertaken by pharmacy professionals from hospital, community and primary care, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. Crucially, this event will be an opportunity to connect with peers and leaders from across the profession, to share, learn, support and be supported. By working together as one pharmacy team across multiple organisations and sectors we have a unique opportunity to improve quality of care, reduce risk of harm from medicines and increase efficiencies.
Ewan Maule
Head of Medicines Optimisation
NHS Sunderland CCG
@SunderlandCCG @EwanMaule
Ewan is the Head of Medicines Optimisation at Sunderland CCG. He moved into primary care in 2018 following a 6 year spell as Deputy Chief Pharmacist at Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS FT, with a short secondment into the role of Interim Chief Pharmacist at Southern Health NHSFT.
Prior to that he had been a clinical pharmacist in a number of Trusts in the North East, and had been a pharmacist prescriber in a number of clinical areas including stroke medicine, care of the elderly, cardiology and most recently emergency and critical care.
Ewan is the Vice President of the Guild of Healthcare Pharmacists and has been proud to support and represent members for a number of years.
Ewan is yet another Scottish exile living in the North East and has made Whitley Bay his family home. He has not however as yet adopted the Geordie accent.
Robbie Turner
Director of Pharmacy & Member Experience
Royal Pharmaceutical Society
@rpharms @RobbieMTurner
Robbie is Director of Pharmacy and Member Experience at the Royal Pharmaceutical Society. He leads teams responsible for policy, communications and member support services.
Stephanie Klein
Nightingale Pharmacy Project Manager
The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
@NewcastleHosps @Stephklein3 @NightingaleNE
Stephanie Klein, senior pharmacist at The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation, led on the setup and implementation of pharmacy services at NHS Nightingale North East.
Stephanie was the former Assistant Director of Pharmacy – Production and Preparation at Newcastle Hospitals, and had previously managed the transformation of services and construction of a new, £5 million purpose-built medicines production facility which was completed in 2004. After a career break 2008 to 2011 she returned to Newcastle Hospitals to undertake a range of medicines related patient safety and quality improvement projects. Pre-COVID 19, she was working on delivering the ePRaSE (ePrescribing Risk and Safety Evaluation) Tool in a collaboration between the NHS Trust and Newcastle University.
The project, set up on behalf of NHS England, is a national initiative to provide a web-based electronic prescribing risk and safety evaluation tool for NHS organisations to assess local configuration and support optimisation of their e-Prescribing systems. This work was paused and she was appointed to the Nightingale role. Post Nightingale she is now managing the pharmacy transformation programme for outpatient Restart, Reset and Recovery, which is utilising much of the learning and new ways of working generated by the COVID pandemic.
Tim Donaldson
Trust Chief Pharmacist
Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust
Tim gained an honours degree in pharmacy from The University of Bath and later completed an MSc in Clinical Pharmacy. After completing his pre-registration training with Glaxo Group Research/ Northwick Park Hospital in London, he began his career in hospital pharmacy in Bristol.
He moved to Newcastle in the early 90s to specialise in medicines information and later became Head of Regional Medicines and Poisons Information Services at the Wolfson Unit of Clinical Pharmacology in Newcastle Upon Tyne, from 1997-2004. After completing a secondment to a PCT, he returned to hospital pharmacy practice as Deputy Chief Pharmacist at the Newcastle, North Tyneside and Northumberland Mental Health Trust.
He undertook the Health Foundation Leadership Fellows Programme in 2008-2010 and was appointed Chief Pharmacist/CDAO at Cumbria, Northumberland Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust in 2010. In 2017, he became a Fellow of the RPS. CNTWFT provides mental health and disability services from more than 70 sites across the NE and N Cumbria. It has twice been rated ‘Outstanding’ by the CQC, in 2016 and 2018. The pharmacy team is comprised of over 100 staff and has received awards from the HSJ and Royal Pharmaceutical Society.
Chris Williams
Chief Pharmacist
Tees Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust
Chris Williams is the Chief Pharmacist at Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust. He has been in this post since 2015, having formerly been in senior pharmacy posts for both County Durham and Darlington NHS FT and County Durham and Darlington Community Health Services. Chris started his pharmacy career in the year 2000 and has now spent 20 years working in the NHS. Chris lives in Darlington with his wife and two daughters. He can be contacted on [email protected] and @cwpharmacist on twitter.
Dr Adam Pattison Rathbone
Lecturer in Clinical and Social Pharmacy
Newcastle University
@UniofNewcastle @NCL_Pharmacy @AdamPRathbone
Dr Rathbone is a registered pharmacist prescriber in Great Britain. He has worked in clinical posts across North East England and completed research at Durham University, Sydney University, Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, and Newcastle University. Dr Rathbone is a peer-reviewer for funding applications to Pharmacy Research UK and the International Pharmacy Federation and has expertise in qualitative research methods, patient experiences of using medications and health services research.
Alastair Green
Senior Clinical Pharmacist
Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
@NorthumbriaNHS @NHCTPharmacy @UniofNewcastle @alasgreen
Alastair qualified in 2016 working across primary and secondary care in the North East ever since. He currently works as a research and development pharmacist at Northumbria Healthcare working particularly in clinical trials. In addition to his clinical work Alastair is actively involved both undergraduate and postgraduate – pharmacy, nursing and AHP teaching.
Dr Jane Brown
Pharmacy Dean (North)
School of Pharmacy and Medicines Optimisation, North
Health Education England
@NHS_HealthEdEng @JaneB_HEE
Jane is the Pharmacy Dean for the North of England and leads the School of Pharmacy and Medicines Optimisation. She joined HEE in December 2018 as Associate Dean for advanced practice pharmacist training and the Pharmacy Specialist Education Lead for the north west. Prior to this she was the North lead for the clinical pharmacists in general practice training pathway for the Centre for Pharmacy Postgraduate Education. Other roles held include Director of Policy and Implementation at the National Prescribing Centre where she was the project lead for the development of the Single Prescribers’ Competency Framework and led the national non-medical prescribing support programme.
Jane trained as a hospital clinical pharmacist and also has many years experience in primary care medicines optimisation working in a variety of roles ranging from a practice pharmacist to PCT Head of Medicines Management. During a role as a primary / secondary care interface pharmacist Jane undertook research leading to the award of PhD investigating the impact of the interface on effective and efficient medicines management and the reasons why national guidance to improve medicines management at the interface had not been effectively implemented. She has also been a clinical liaison tutor for the post-graduate clinical pharmacy diploma at Liverpool John Moores University.
Peter Boyle
LJMU school of Pharmacy Graduate
Peter has just finished his degree and is due to start his pre-registration year.
The Academic Health Science Network for the North East and North Cumbria promotes engagement, collaboration & innovation in ways that will benefit patients & public. @AHSN_NENC
Bright Ideas in Health Awards
The Bright Ideas in Health Awards celebrates the achievements of individuals and teams working within the NHS, industry, and academia. @BIHA2020
Centre for Pharmacy Postgraduate Education (CPPE)
The Centre for Pharmacy Postgraduate Education (CPPE) is funded by Health Education England to provide CPD opportunities to all pharmacists and pharmacy technicians providing NHS services in England.
Pre-registration pharmacists can access the website here – – where our learning programmes are available to support you to prepare for your pre-registration exam and gain evidence towards your General Pharmaceutical Council performance standards for your portfolio.
You can also find CPPE and peer support through our CPPE Pre-Reg Facebook page. Our pre-registration trainee leaflet guides you through how CPPE can support you in your pre-registration year. @cppeengland @CPPENorthEast
Great North Care Record
The Great North Care Record makes information more widely available and accessible to support frontline care, individual self-management, planning and research, enabling:
- Professionals and carers to have legitimate access to the right information at the point of need, ensuring our population get better, safer care regardless of setting or organisation.
- Improved access to information, allowing individuals to better understand and manage their own wellbeing and care.
- Improved data access and analytics, allowing better population health planning based on demand, and enabling the development and deployment of more innovative treatments. @GreatNorthCare
Northern Alliance Advanced Therapies Treatment Centre (NA-ATTC)
The NA-ATTC is part of the ATTC Network which is a UK system of Advanced Therapy Treatment Centres (ATTC) operating within the NHS framework and coordinated by the Cell and Gene Therapy Catapult to address the unique and complex challenges of bringing pioneering advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMPs) to patients suffering from conditions such as blindness, cancer and heart failure. @NAATTC
NIHR Clinical Research Network North East and North Cumbria
NIHR Clinical Research Network North East and North Cumbria provides the infrastructure to allow high-quality health and social care research to take place across the region, so that patients and the public can benefit from better health and healthcare. We help to increase the opportunities for patients and the public to take part in health research and ensure that studies are carried out efficiently. We are hosted by The Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. @NIHRCRN_NENCumb
Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust
Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust is one of the UK’s largest mental health, learning disabilities and neurological care providers. @CNTWNHS
South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
South Tees is the largest hospital trust in the Tees Valley serving the people of Middlesbrough, Redcar and Cleveland, Hambleton and Richmondshire and beyond. The trust runs The James Cook University Hospital in Middlesbrough and the Friarage Hospital in Northallerton. It also runs community services in Hambleton and Richmondshire, Middlesbrough and Redcar and Cleveland. Its workforce of almost 9,000 provides a range of specialist regional services to 1.5million people in the Tees Valley and parts of Durham, North Yorkshire and Cumbria, with a particular expertise in heart disease, trauma, neurosciences, renal services, cancer services and spinal injuries. @SouthTees
University of Sunderland
The MSc Clinical Pharmacy at the University of Sunderland is a part-time postgraduate course for pharmacists looking to advance their clinical practice. The course is flexible, and our range of optional modules can be tailored to suit your individual clinical learning needs whether you work in primary, secondary or tertiary care. If you are beginning a career as a clinical pharmacist or changing your role to a more clinical perspective, the MSc Clinical Pharmacy should be your next step in building your clinical portfolio. @UoSPharmPG
SMA® Nutrition
SMA® Nutrition have been leading baby nutrition research for over 100 years. Their team of nutritionists have expert understanding of the evolving nutritional needs of babies as they go through an amazing period of physical growth and cognitive development. SMA® Nutrition is part of the largest food and nutrition research network in the world, with over 40 research and development sites. Their research takes place in universities, hospitals and research centres across the globe. The SMA® professional website for healthcare professionals offers practical support, scientific research and product information to aid your conversations with parents and support you in your role. To register as an infant feeding champion:
Across the world, more than 1 billion people live with iron deficiency anaemia, making it one of the largest global health challenges of our time. At Pharmacosmos, we want to change the way iron deficiency is prevented and treated in humans and animals.
We are inspired by one central question: How can we continue to improve patient safety, recovery and convenience and thereby achieve better outcomes?
We seek the answer by staying at the scientific forefront of iron and carbohydrate technology – partnering with dedicated people and leading organisations to deliver the best possible treatments for human and veterinary use. In this way, we improve more than iron complexes and carbohydrates, we improve the quality of lives.
Reducing the healthcare carbon footprint by increasing the uptake of salbutamol dry powder inhalers: a quality improvement project
Sophia Martins
Pre-registration Trainee
Gateshead Health NHS Foundation Trust
Pharmacogenomic considerations of medicines used in Northern Centre for Cancer Care (NCCC)
Agne Kuraite
Pre-registration Trainee
The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust