Cardiovascular Disease Prevention

HI NENC is delivering a Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) Prevention programme, part of which includes two national programmes mandated by NHS England. The programme supports CVD Prevention across the North East and North Cumbria with a particular focus on disordered lipids, familial hypercholesterolaemia (FH) and hypertension. The other areas included in the programme are atrial fibrillation (AF) and Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD).

Aims of the CVD Prevention Programme

By collaboratively working with partners, we aim to reduce cardiovascular disease for patients, and minimise inequalities within our population.

Our mission is to ensure patients with disordered lipids are detected and treated appropriately; ensure patients with hypertension are appropriately monitored and have their blood pressure and broader cardiovascular risk optimised; and to ensure AF legacy work from the prior national AF Programme is completed, alongside a local programme focusing on improving earlier diagnosis and treatment of people with CKD.

This will be achieved through collaborative working with the regional health and social care system, to reduce inequalities within our population, providing capability and capacity to meet our objectives.


  • Prevention of future cardiovascular events, increasing years of wellness.
  • Supporting PCNs to achieve their QOF 2023/24.
  • Supporting ambitions laid out in the NHS Long Term Plan.
  • Increase awareness of patients & clinicians around the common genetic condition, FH.

Programme Delivery

The programme will be delivered in its constituent parts, so for more information on the different elements please click on the appropriate topic in which you are interested.

The programme has a strategy group consisting of key stakeholders from across NENC, who provide support, insight and challenge to enable the programme to be responsive and accountable.


Programme metrics have been developed for lipids, FH and hypertension. Success of the programme, however, will depend both on opportunistic and systematic case finding of eligible patients through innovative and validated CVD search tools, adoption and spread of the child parent screening genetic testing pilot, cascade testing, and robust primary and secondary CVD prevention pathway implementation, all seeking to optimise patient lipid management, regardless of which setting their care is delivered in.

NEQOS lead on measurement support for HI NENC Population Health Improvement Programmes. This involves presenting data to the HI NENC strategy group. The latest presentation can be seen on the link below.

Download Metrics Presentation

Visual representation of the work can be seen below.

Feedback from local partners

Barry Todd is a North East Pharmacist Practitioner and the Pharmacy Lead at Wallsend Primary Care Network, who has working in partnership with HI NENC to deliver the programme. He said:

“In the 42 years I’ve been a Pharmacist, I’ve never been so excited at the opportunity of breaking down barriers and being able to work collaboratively across all sectors.

“Together we are making a real difference in tackling health care inequalities and driving down cardiovascular morbidity and mortality.”

Partnership working

New Focus of Lipid-lowering Therapy – A Pharmacist-led Clinic for Secondary Prevention Vascular and Diabetic Foot Patients 

Newcastle Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and HI NENC have setup a new clinic to provide targeted treatment and support to vascular and diabetic foot patients, who have had a cardiovascular event such as a heart attack or stroke.

The pharmacist-led clinic, set up by Matthew Hart, Specialist Clinical Pharmacist, is thought to be the first of its kind in the UK.

HI NENC has funded Matthew to run the clinic two days a week and provided support with statistical analysis.

Read the case study

Optimising Lipid Management

The AHSN NENC Cardiovascular Disease Prevention Programme has a particular focus on optimising the treatment of disordered lipids to give patients the best chance of avoiding cardiac events. Disordered Lipids Disordered lipids impact peoples’ health over time causing heart attack…

Resources for Healthcare Professionals

To support the optimisation of lipid management, as part of our broader work to reduce the prevalence of cardiovascular disease (CVD), we have created a number of educational resources for healthcare professionals working in primary care which can be downloaded below….

CVD events and latest news

The Cardiovascular Disease Prevention Team send out a regular newsletter and hold a number of events and training opportunities for healthcare professionals working in the North East and North Cumbria. Find out more about the latest news and upcoming events…

Familial Hypercholesterolaemia

The HI NENC Cardiovascular Disease Prevention Programme includes Familial Hypercholesterolaemia (FH), identifying people with this genetic condition and optimising their treatment to give patients the best chance of avoiding cardiac events. HI NENC will support GP practices across the region…

Lipid Management Pathway

The HI NENC Cardiovascular Disease Prevention Programme has a focus on optimising the treatment of disordered lipids to give patients the best chance of avoiding cardiac events. This page has been created to provide information to healthcare professionals about the…

Blood Pressure Optimisation

The Blood Pressure Optimisation (BPO) Programme was a one year national programme mandated by NHS England which concluded in March 2023.  AHSN NENC (now HI NENC) provided support to primary care in the region to improve the identification and management…

Chronic Kidney Disease

As part of the wider Cardiovascular Disease Prevention Programme, HI NENC is delivering a Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) programme. The CKD programme will focus on improving earlier diagnosis and supporting early medical treatment of people with CKD to slow disease progression…

Cholesterol testing pilot

As part of the wider Cardiovascular Disease Prevention Programme, HI NENC is delivering a new pilot programme trialling a new, innovative cholesterol test, PocDoc. The pilot commenced in April 2023. Aim To identify people at risk of heart attacks and…

Atrial Fibrillation

Atrial Fibrillation (AF) continues as part of the Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) Prevention Programme to support legacy work from the national AF programme. To see the results of that programme, please visit the AF Programme page. Delivery in the North East…

Innovation for Healthcare Inequalities Programme (InHIP)

The Innovation for Healthcare Inequalities Programme (InHIP) was a national programme which came to an end in April 2024. HI NENC led on the programme within the North East and North Cumbria, working with partners in the region to address…