Blood Pressure Optimisation

The management of hypertension remains a key element of HI NENC’s CVD Prevention Programme. HI NENC, working in collaboration with NENC ICB, is delivering a ‘back to basics’ education programme to healthcare professionals working in and supporting primary care in the region.

 Overall Aim

The aim of the programme is to help prevent cardiovascular disease including heart attacks, strokes and cases of vascular dementia.

This includes a focus on case finding and optimising treatment for patients with hypertension to improve CVD outcomes.

Delivery in the North East and North Cumbria

Hypertension is a major risk factor leading to CVD events, and there is evidence that there are high levels of under diagnosis and sub optimal treatment.

HI NENC will support Primary Care Networks( PCNs) to identify underdiagnosed hypertension, ensuring patient treatment is optimised to NICE recommendations in order to reduce the number of CVD events.

Past blood pressure optimisation programmes

National blood pressure optimisation programme 2022/23

HI NENC supported Primary Care Networks (PCNs) to implement the UCLPartners Proactive Care Framework for hypertension, to optimise clinical care and self-management of people with hypertension. Key activities included:

  • Detection of people with hypertension through case finding interventions (including practice case finding through patient record searches, and models that involve community pharmacists as part of the hypertension community pharmacy scheme)
  • Where people with hypertension had been identified:
    • Risk stratification to prioritise those who need to be seen by their GP sooner;
    • Use of the wider healthcare workforce to support remote care and self-care;
    • Adaptation of framework pathways for local implementation;
    • Providing support to people to maximise the benefits of remote monitoring and virtual consultations where appropriate.

A key priority of the programme was to reduce health inequalities. HI NENC worked with system partners, including the new Integrated Care System (ICS) to ensure that activities were focused on areas of higher deprivation and groups of people who are at higher risk of cardiovascular disease. For more information about this work see our local Innovation for Healthcare Inequalities Programme.


For more information about the blood pressure optimisation element of the CVD Prevention Programme contact Tracy Marshall.


This webinar took place on Tuesday 6th September 2022 for staff working in Primary Care Networks and included a demonstration of the UCLPartners Proactive Care Framework for Hypertension.  Attendees heard about how the free resources are being utilised across England and the support available from AHSN NENC.   Download the slide deck from the event here.

Webinar recording

Watch the recording in full below.

AHSN NENC organised a series  of Lunch and Learn sessions aimed at those working in primary care.

Session 1 – 24th January 2023

This session features a case study from South Wirral who share their experiences of improving hypertension management in their PCN.

Download slidedeck

Session 2 – 21st February 2023

The second focused on making the case for tackling hypertension to achieve better CVD outcomes with a focus on risk stratification and the support offer from the Clinical Digital Resource Collaborative (CDRC).

Download slidedeck

Session 3 (3rd March)

The third session looked at the role of the wider workforce in supporting the management of hypertension and included a couple of case studies.  In addition, there was a presentation which outlined the role that pharmacy technicians can play in supporting lipid optimisation for secondary prevention patients.

Download slidedeck


We have produced a ‘how to use your workforce differently’ resource to support practices to implement the UCLPartners Proactive Care Frameworks. Download the resource.

To support PCNs to manage their hypertension targets, Dr Raj Bethapudi, GP and co-chair of the ICB CVD Prevention Network, has shared some tips in this blog.

Where can I go to get my blood pressure checked? In this video, Dr Bethapudi talks about the importance of getting your blood pressure checked.

What do the blood pressure readings mean? In this video Dr Raj Bethapudi gives more information about what those numbers mean for different age groups.