Opioid NIPP– NHS Insights Prioritisation Programme
HI NENC have collated several resources to help support the management of pain and reduce opioid prescribing.
Teesside University NIPP Project – Evaluating the impact of an evidence informed, digitally deployed, GP Video intervention that aims to reduce opioid prescribing in primary care.
HI NENC in collaboration with ARC and NIHR have supported the creation and implementation of a digitally deployed remote intervention aimed at reducing opioid prescribing in primary care. The intervention was co-developed with GPs and a consultant specialising in chronic pain treatment.
In a pilot, this intervention has demonstrated that proactive identification of those using high doses of opioids systematically from primary care records and targeting a video intervention is well received by patients and clinicians and effective at reducing opioid medication use.
Currently this video is being evaluated in 50 SystmONE GP practices across the North and North Cumbria.
Report: Evaluating the impact of a video intervention to reduce opioid prescribing in primary care
All resources relating to this project can be found here
Pain and Opioid Management Resources
Health Care Professionals Opioid Awareness Resources