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Artist/Creative Practitioner Commission Call out & Expressions of Interest – North Tyneside
Places of Sanctuary – how can our towns create and nurture positive mental health and wellbeing for all?
- Can sanctuary be found in a physical place or is it an imagined space, or a mix of both?
- What would an imagined safe space look and feel like?
- How can this be applied to real spaces in the town centre?
- How can we make shared public spaces feel more welcoming, safe, joyful?
The Healthy Happy Places team would like to work in collaboration with local creative practitioners and citizens in North Shields and Wallsend to creatively explore this theme in order to inform interventions and developments in each town.
Funding: £10,000
Timescales: November 2022 – February 2023
Closing Date: noon on 7th November 2022
Expected Outcomes
- To ensure that people participating have a positive experience with the engagement process and are enabled to have fun through the creative expression of their ideas, hopes and experiences about place.
- To have a display of the outputs for each location (whether that be through an event, an open exhibition, a magazine, website, film, shop front, or whatever else you may be able to surprise us with!) to inform the next stage of the Healthy Happy Places approach (‘Interventions in Place’).
- (Although not part of this commission) The creative outputs will be used to translate into possible interventions for each town centre which can promote a feeling of psychological/felt safety and create places for calm, and places for support and nurturing. It is anticipated that this will be done in collaboration with other partners (which may include citizens that have participated, artists, public health, NHS, regeneration, planning, and architecture/design colleagues). The outputs will also help to inform future and ongoing developments in both areas.