CVD resources for healthcare professionals

To support the optimisation of lipid management, as part of our broader work to reduce the prevalence of cardiovascular disease (CVD), we have created a number of educational resources for healthcare professionals working in primary care which can be downloaded below.

We regularly host events and we’re always happy to provide additional education for healthcare professionals. If you work in the North East and North Cumbria and would like to find out more about the training we offer please contact:

View our latest and past events, and subscribe to our newsletter here.

Know your numbers – patient flyer

Healthcare professionals can share the flyer with people at risk of high blood pressure, to raise awareness of an ideal blood pressure reading, and how patients can control their BP to lower risks of heart attacks and strokes.

Download and print flyer


Blog from Dr Raj Bethapudi about managing hypertension targets

To support PCNs to manage their hypertension targets, Dr Raj Bethapudi, GP and co-chair of the ICB CVD Prevention Network, has shared some tips in this blog.


UCLPartners Proactive Care Framework for hypertension

The Proactive Care Framework for hypertension helps primary care teams to improve blood pressure and broader CVD risk management, particularly lipids, in people with hypertension. It was developed by our partner AHSN, UCLPartners.

To support local teams in NENC to implement this resource, we have produced a ‘how to use your workforce differently’ resource. Download the resource here.


Identification and Management of CKD in Primary Care:  Medscape UK Guidelines

Healthcare professionals in the North East and North Cumbria have developed guidelines for primary care. These ‘Primary Care Hacks’ aim to provide a quick reference guide to support earlier identification and treatment of CKD in the community.

Download the Identification of CKD in Primary Care Guide

Download the CKD Interventions in Primary Care Guide


Educational webinar series

HI NENC hosted a series of three webinars about chronic kidney disease (CKD) and the resources available to help you to improve outcomes for people in the region living with the condition. The sessions were led by expert clinicians in NENC, who have shared best practice and case studies.

The webinar series has been developed to support primary care to identify people with CKD earlier and share the resources available to optimise the treatment and management of patients.

View the playlist


CDRC resources for CKD

  • Using the searches provided by Clinical Digital Resource Collaborative (CDRC), it is possible to identify cohorts referenced above to support GP practices in managing their CKD populations.
  • CDRC digital resources are designed and developed in the North East and North Cumbria by local clinicians. Their work is supported by NHS EnglandNorth of England Care System Support (NECS) and HI NENC.
  • All CDRC resources are available at no cost to Primary Care users and available in SystmOne and EMIS. Click the links below for more information.

SystmOne resources

EMIS resources 

Hear from Dr Tom Zamoyski in the below video, who demonstrates how the CKD SystmOne resources can be used.


What is FH? film

An animated, 2 minute video for patients explaining what is FH has been developed in collaboration with Heart UK, their ambassadors and the Northern Genetics Service.

Pharmacy Technician’s Role in Lipid & Familial Hypercholesterolaemia (FH) Optimisation – process map

The aim of this process map is to provide Pharmacy Technicians, along with other healthcare professionals, with the tools and resources to identify, risk stratify and review patients requiring lipid optimisation. Please contact [email protected] for further information.

Download the process map

Lipid optimisation how to guide

This lipid optimisation ‘how to’ guide has been created to support pharmacy technicians and other healthcare professionals working within a GP practice. The guide contains a number of tools and resources to help you to identify, risk stratify and review patients requiring lipid optimisation, including those with the genetic condition Familial Hypercholesterolemia.

Download the how to guide

Lipid management competency framework

This document lists the competencies for the National Lipids Programme Workforce Support Programme for healthcare professionals supporting patients with lipid optimisation. The competencies have been developed based on the Summary of National Guidance for Lipid Management for Primary and Secondary Prevention of cardiovascular disease (CVD). Competencies have been mapped to roles within general practice.

Download the competency framework

A step by step guide to optimising Lipids for Secondary Prevention Vascular or Diabetes Foot Patients within a Pharmacist led clinic within Secondary Care – process map

The aim of this process map is to provide Clinical Pharmacists, along with other healthcare professionals, with the tools and resources to identify, risk stratify and review high-risk patients requiring lipid optimisation. Please contact Matthew Hart or Kate Mackay for further information.

Download the process map

Audit data template

The audit template has been developed as a tool to collect a baseline audit of patients requiring lipid lowering therapy, including details such as dose frequency and potential for optimisation.

Download the audit data template

Triaging and clinic data template

The triaging and clinic data template can be used once a clinic has been established, to triage patients and record clinic outcomes.

Download the triaging and outcomes database template

Other resources 

Utilising the role of the Pharmacy Technician to reduce primary care pressures – a blog from Tracy Marshall

Podcast – Cardiovascular Disease Prevention and Lipid Management – Inclisiran

A new focus of lipid-lowering therapy for secondary prevention vascular and diabetic foot patients in a pharmacist-led clinic – case study from Matthew Hart


Professor Ahmet Fuat – introducing inclisiran into the Lipid Management Pathway

In this video for GPs and healthcare professionals, GP, Professor Ahmet Fuat, describes using the novel therapy Inclisiran in the lipid management pathway for the first patients in the North East and North Cumbria.

Dr Stewart Pattman, Inclisiran – Optimising Lipid Management

In this video, Dr Stewart Pattman, Lipid Clinic Clinical Lead for Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, shares his knowledge of the novel therapy Inclisiran as an option for patients on the Lipid Management Pathway.

Dr Phil Jennings – Inclisiran explained: an innovative new treatment for people at risk of cardiovascular disease

In this video for GPs and healthcare professionals, Dr Phil Jennings, Chief Officer of the Innovation Agency and AHSN Network Lead for the Rapid Uptake Products, explains to Caroline Kenyon how the treatment works.

Cardiovascular Disease Prevention and Lipid Management – Inclisiran

In this podcast, CVD Prevention Lead and Regional Coordinator, Nikki Holdsworth, talks to Barry Todd – a North East Pharmacist Practitioner and Wallsend Pharmacy Lead, and Matthew Hart – a Specialist Clinical Pharmacist with The Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospitals Trust, who are involved in lipid optimisation and management, and have experience of initiating and managing patients novel therapy Inclisiran.


Practice Nurse 2022 – A new lipid pathway: its relevance for primary care

The British Journal of cardiology – New opportunity for cholesterol lowering: inclisiran

The British Journal of cardiology -Inclisiran: testing a population health management methodology to implement a novel lipid treatment

The British Journal of cardiology – Inclisiran: its clinical position in lipid management

Novartis resources

MIMS learning modules

Inclisiran learning & resources: HCP downloadable resources and HCP videos

Inclisiran: dosing and administration guide

How inclisiran works

PRESQuipp Webinar with Helen Williams (Consultant Pharmacist) – Lipid Lowering and the role of Inclisiran

Watch the recording



Dr Stewart Pattman and Catherine Tucker, PCSK9 inhibitors – Optimising Lipid Management

In this video, Dr Stewart Pattman, Lipid Clinic Clinical Lead, and Catherine Tucker, Senior Clinical Pharmacist at Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, share their knowledge of the PCSK9 inhibitor, as an option for patients on their Lipid Management Pathway.

Educational resources regarding the secondary care administered PCSK9i drug:


Lipid Lowering and Familial Hypercholesterolaemia (FH) Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)

This will help practices with the 24/25 QOF.

Download the SOP.

Handbook for Lipid Optimising

The purpose of this document is to provide a reference for primary care to help support the implementation of lipid optimisation.

Download the handbook.

Northern England Evaluation and Lipid Intensification (NEELI) Guidelines

Guidelines include information across the whole of the lipid pathway including FH.

Template letters

Please click the below links to download the letters.

An introduction to lipid management in primary care – QOF tips in 7 minutes

In this video, Professor Ahmet Fuat, GPSI in Cardiology, explains how practices can treat patients in the secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease. Ahmet provides practical advice for GP practices about how to optimise lipid management support for patients.



AF Card Deck

A resource aimed at primary care staff, providing a step by step guide for anticoagulation treatment in AF for the prevention of stoke and systemic embolism. Every GP in the NENC area received a hard copy.– A4 black and white guide or full colour guide are available for you to download and print to be incorporated into any training manuals in your practice.– A digital version to view online – with working bookmarks and hyperlinks.– A web app (an app that runs on a website browser), which can accessed and downloaded to your PC or smart device home screen. The app is new for this edition and provides instant access to the resource and minimises the risk of infection control by reducing paper use. View or install the web app here.

Shared Decision Making

Shared decision making (SDM) is about an interaction between a patient and a healthcare professional based upon the clinician’s expertise and the patient’s preferences whereby the correct treatment choice is decided. It is a process involving examination of treatment options, risks and benefits, potential outcomes, patient values, patient goals, patient beliefs and patient preferences. Clinicians need skills to ensure this is a collaborative process and although decision aids and support tools form part of SDM, skills are the foundation of this interaction. Treatment for Atrial Fibrillation (AF) involves various options some of which will suit some patients more than others, and therefore SDM is particularly pertinent in this context. However, SDM skills can be applied to any consultation.

Videos on shared decision making

A series of films have been produced to assist with SDM, the series encompasses:

  • Introduction to SDM
  • Demonstration of the skills needed for good SDM by four different clinicians – 12 minutes
  • Demonstration of four full consultations by a Pharmacist, GP, Specialist Nurse and Consultant Cardiologist – each 10-13 minutes


Cholesterol animations and leaflets

Health Innovation Network and Heart UK have created a series of patient animations and leaflets to highlight the importance of managing cholesterol, and the steps that can be taken if cholesterol levels are high.

The resources aim to help patients to understand how they can reduce their risks of having a cardiovascular event by making lifestyle changes to lower their cholesterol. It is also highlighted that patients should speak to their healthcare professional (including a doctor, nurse or pharmacist) to ensure they are on the most appropriate treatment for them.

Please direct your patients who have high cholesterol, or who are at higher risk, to the resources below.

Leaflets on Heart UK website

Animations on Heart UK Youtube

Cardiovascular diet checklist from Heart UK 

Use this diet checklist to help you and your patient assess the quality of their diet and identify which improvements could be made to help optimise cholesterol-lowering and heart health. It should take no longer than 5 minutes to complete.

What is FH? film

An animated, 2 minute video for patients explaining what is FH has been developed in collaboration with Heart UK, their ambassadors and the Northern Genetics Service.

Know your numbers – patient flyer

Healthcare professionals can share the flyer with people at risk of high blood pressure, to raise awareness of an ideal blood pressure reading, and how patients can control their BP to lower risks of heart attacks and strokes.

Cholesterol checks – NENC ICB

NENC ICB has developed a campaign toolkit to encourage adults who are aged 40 or over and have not had a cholesterol check before or in the past 5 years to get a check by contacting their GP surgery.

The toolkit includes a range of resources to raise awareness among patients about the importance of cholesterol checks.

HI NENC produces a quarterly CVD bulletin which includes a round up of the support available to primary care including news, funding opportunities and events. Click the links below to view the newsletters and sign up.

View past editions of the newsletter and subscribe here.

Tackling Cholesterol Together education programme

HEART UK has partnered with the NHS Accelerated Access Collaborative (AAC) and Health Innovation Network to provide a comprehensive and varied education programme for healthcare professionals.

View the Tackling Cholesterol Together resources.

You can also find out about upcoming events on our events page and recordings of previous events on our Youtube channel, which also hosts a number of resources as mentioned above.

We’re always happy to provide additional education events. If you’re a healthcare professional in the North East and North Cumbria and would like us to present at your event or meeting please contact [email protected] or [email protected]

Education resources

Primary Care Cardiology Society (PCCS) website – CVD academy (FREE sign up available for any HCP)

British Journal of Cardiology: Lipids e-learning modules Sign up for free on website; 4 modules and an overview (5 CPD credits)


British Journal of Cardiology – Conversations on cholesterol: evaluating the role of LDL-cholesterol reduction in ASCVD